Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First meeting with my supervisor, Dr Jayakaran

This afternoon, at 4 pm, we had our meeting with our first meeting with our research paper’s supervisor, Dr Jayakaran, at the FPP’s Pusat Sumber. All the eight of us, arrived early at the Pusat Sumber and waited for Dr Jayakaran. Soon, Dr Jayakaran arrived and we started our first meeting regarding our research paper. We wrote down our names on a sheet of paper as the proof of attendance and each one of us took turns to tell Dr Jayakaran the title for each of our research paper. Through this meeting, I knew that Dr Jayakaran wanted us to write and tap on something that is more direct and simple compared to writing something which is complicated and broad. Several course mates’ topic of research paper need to be revised as Dr Jayakaran commented that their topics are too complicated and broad. I showed and told Dr Jayakaran the title of my research paper and Dr Jayakaran approved my title for my research paper but he asked me to be more specific in my title. My meeting ended at around 5 pm and I went straight home to revised the title for my research paper so that my title for the research paper can be more focused and specific.

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