Thursday, August 21, 2008

What has happened to Lulu, mother? What has happened to Lu?

“What has happened to Lulu, mother? What has happened to Lu?” These two sentences are so fresh in my mind and remind me of the wonderful time we had with the two beautiful poets from the British Council. Dr Edwin had invited two beautiful ladies from the British Council to the class to carry out some interesting activities with us- the TESL 7 and Cohort 4. The very first thought on having 2 poets to the class, at first, was very discouraging as all of us thought that the class would be boring as we expect the poets will just give us a talk on how to write poems and solely telling us their very own experiences in writing poems. But this was not what it actually turned out to be! We had lots of fun with the 2 beautiful ladies in the class. “Lulu” was the poem that we had worked on in the class with the 2 ladies. “Lulu” was a simple poem but they created several activities that were so fun from the poem. We had a lot of fun indulging ourselves in the activities. We wrote a poem as a group as the reply to the poem “Lulu” and we managed to come out with cheeky yet funny versions of poems. It was fun listening to all the different kinds of replies to the poem “Lulu”. Only through this activity, I realize that we can very creative when the grammar or the language items are not taken into consideration. We are not afraid of making any grammatical mistake in our poem as the lady told us that it is okay to have mistake as long as we come out with our very own version of poem as the reply to the poem “Lulu”. Never before I felt so enjoyable and fun indulging myself in group work when comes to working on poem. Normally, when we are doing group work on poem, we usually need to understand in depth the meaning of the poem and everything about the poem will be very serious and no play at all. But in this class, all of us had so much fun and it made us love the process of learning and writing poems. I, personally love the two great ladies from the British Council very much. They were so charming. I really hope that Dr Edwin will invite them to come to our class again in the future as I am really looking forward to spend some fun time with both the beautiful ladies!

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