Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It’s all about “Paul’s Case”...

For my position paper, I have chosen to write about the short story “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather with the thesis statement, “Dissatisfaction of life and the desire to live an idle life lead Paul to a disastrous end”. In this paper, I would like to focus on the point that it is Paul dissatisfaction in his life that leads him to end his life in a tragic end. Paul refused to live the life that he had at the present so he chose to end his life by committing suicide. It is also his desire to live a glamorous and classy life that made him to steal and to commit suicide as Paul did not want to go back to his real life back in the Cordelia Street. I would have supporting details from the two major points which are Paul’s dissatisfaction in life and Paul’s desire to live an idle life to support my thesis statement. All the points in the paper will center on the thesis statement. In order for me to write a good position paper, I would have to have strong and reliable supporting details in supporting my thesis statement. Like what said by Mr Omid, “There’s neither right or wrong nor good or bad thesis statement, it is just how you support your thesis statement that make your thesis statement and your position paper a good one”. I personally think that what Mr Omid said is so true that only thesis statement which is supported by good supporting details can make a good thesis statement and a good position paper. Hence, I am going to work very hard to find the valid, reliable and good supporting details to support my thesis statement so that I can produce a good and excellent position paper with a brilliant thesis statement.

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