Sunday, August 24, 2008

He is the Man- Nelson Mandela!

I had been hearing and listening to adults talking and chattering about a person named “Nelson Mandela” since my high school days. I still remembered that at that time, I was only in my Form 2 and rarely read the newspaper. Therefore, this person- Nelson Mandela was still an unknown to me (although I have heard of his name daily) as I did not read the newspaper and he is still not in the history yet as I could not find his name in the history textbook when I was in Form 2 nor Form 3. But I did know something about this person-that he is some sort of a politician and is fighting for something for his people in his country. But I wasn’t sure what he was fighting for. I just knew that he could be someone with power and of high authority, if not he would not have been in the newspaper. Nelson Mandela remained to be a mysterious person to me, for many years, perhaps, for 8 years until recently, when Dr Edwin assigned all of us to read the autobiography of “The Long Walk of Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela” in the hand book. Only now, I knew who Nelson Mandela was and what he was fighting for years ago.
Through his autobiography, I know Nelson Mandela is an African and yes, I am right, he is a politician and he is fighting for something for his people- he is fighting for the rights of his people. Not only that, his autobiography tells me that he was held as a prisoner before in his movement of fighting for the rights of his people and all the pains and hardship that he had gone through years ago. It is also mentioned in the autobiography that “they”, the African prisoners were treated as children as they were only given shorts and slippers to put on instead of trousers and shoes as the authority wanted them to feel small and as “a boy”. This is one of the scenarios where apartheid had taken place in the past in Africa. I salute Nelson Mandela for his courage and bravery in fighting for the rights and freedom for his people, for his strength and spirit to go through all the sufferings and hardship and lastly for the sacrifices that he had made for his people- his people and not for himself when he stated that “But before putting them on I checked to see if my comrades had been issued trousers as well”. Nelson Mandela is indeed a man of courage and honor.

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