Friday, August 22, 2008

Submitting the first draft of the research paper.

Today I have submitted the first draft of my research paper to Fifi, the librarian who are working at the Pusat Sumber as Dr Jayakaran had already informed us to submit our first draft to him on the last day of week 7. After the first meeting with Dr Jayakaran, I have been working on the first draft of my research paper for about 2 weeks. Yet, I still could not find sufficient information to be included in my first draft. Basically, I have found enough information for the story “Paul’s Case” but I could not find sufficient information to support the title of my research paper for the story “The Drover’s Wife”. Both stories that I have chosen are short stories and I find it hard to find information for the story “The Drover’s Wife”. I wrote and included as many information and my own ideas as I can, hoping that all the points that I have included could support the area of research that I am working on. Altogether I have submitted 10 pages of my first draft to Dr Jayakaran, hoping that all the points I have submitted in my first draft could support my field of research.

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