Thursday, August 7, 2008

Andy Warhol- The Great Artist !

Today, Dr Edwin assigned us to watch a video clip on Andy Warhol. All of us were not sure who Andy Warhol is before we watch the video clip but after spending some time watching the video clip, at last, we knew that Andy Warhol is a great artist that had drawn a lot of great paintings such as the portrait of Marilyn Monroe, The Campbell’s Soup’s label, The portrait of Elvis Presley and even the painting of “The Last Supper”. The video clip is basically about the biography of Andy Warhol on what he had drawn when he was alive back then 1969. Most of the visuals or illustrations shown in the video clip were his paintings from year to year according to chronological order. Much were the paintings of The Campbell’s Soup’s label on different flavors of Campbell’s soup. The video clip on the biography on Andy Warhol was okay as it was in colour and not so dull as in black and white but it was not really that interesting as it only show pictures of Andy Warhol’s painting from year to year. Not much elaborations or moving pictures. But his paintings were very beautiful and impressive and through this video clip I learnt that Andy Warhol is one of the great artist in those days

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