Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My new experience in reading tales

Tales, I have been reading tales, I mean fairy tales, since I was young. I still remembered that the first fairy tale that I have read is the Aesop Fables. The very first Aesop Fable that I read was about the dog, the butcher and the bones. If you ask me now, I can frankly tell you that I enjoy reading tales, those Aesop Fables, bedtime stories, Blyton’s tales and many more. I, personally think that reading tales are interesting and fun as reading tales are stress-free and light. I will deem reading tales as light reading. What different between tales and other genres of writing is that tales always promote moral values that inhibit in the stories. Hence, I can understand why my mum always exposed me with tales. But to me, reading tales in this course, EDU 3234, is really my new experience. I said so as in this course, the tales that I am reading is really different from the tales that I have read when I was young. Although both are tales, but somehow, the tales I read in this course are more unique and special as I think the tales are very intellectual and the moral values inhibits in the story are deep in meaning. It is not just simply teaching the readers on moral values like “Do not cheat” but it has a deeper meaning and more authentic-things that really happen in the real world. I love the story, “The Son of the Turtle-Spirit” the most as I think that the story is set in a very unusual way and the moral values or the main meaning is very deep in meaning. I have never come across a tale or story with this kind of way in conveying the message neither did I come across a moral values which is so true and authentic. Thus, tales are not just tales when you are talking about tales assigned in EDU 3234.

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