Monday, July 21, 2008

Tales & Painting- How are they related? Tink! There’s a connection!

I started to read tales this semester when Dr Edwin assigned us to read about four tales that were printed in the new handbook that we received early of this semester. We were assigned to read on the tales “The Son of The Turtle-Spirit”, “The Mahabharata”, “Ovid- Daedalus and Icarus” and “Ovid’s Metamorphosis- Pyramus and Thisbe”. Through the reading of these tales, I found out that reading tales can be quite an enjoyable and stress-free activity for the readers. Reading tales provides less anxiety to the students and at the same time, reading tales will be more engaging to the students as the students can connect to the story of tales more than other genres of the literary works. The tale of “The Son of The Turtle-Spirit” is seems to be more engaging to the Chinese students as most of them have watched similar Chinese dramas and movies of tales that resembles the tale “The Son of The Turtle-Spirit”. Language and sentence structures used in these tales are also much simple compared to other writings. I can understand and comprehend the tales very well. Reading of the tale “Ovid-Daedalus and Icarus” is like an eye-wash to me as this tale is very nicely and beautifully narrated. Moreover, it has a painting to come with the story. The painting was a beautiful one and very impressive. In this painting which entitled “The Fall of Icarus”, although only Icarus’s legs and feet were sticking out from the water, it has clearly portrayed to us the significance of Icarus’s fall to the audience. It portrayed to us that Icarus’s fall is only significant to his father alone and insignificant to others as no one bothers or cares for Icarus when he fell into the water. Life still goes on for others no matter what happens. It is my first experience of reading of a literary work that comes with a painting. Painting which is a visual aid helps a lot in giving the readers a clearer idea of the whole story. Reading tales is indeed a very fun and exciting experience as it is very engaging to the readers while provides the readers to look closely at the paintings which are connected to the tales that they are reading. Reading tales not only provides the opportunity to the readers to appreciate the writings of the authors but also exposes to the readers the work of arts-paintings and later having them to appreciate the masterpieces of painting.

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