Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Brand New Semester with EDU 3234.

My first class of EDU 3234 began on the 10th of July, 2008 at DKAP B3-10. Dr Edwin started off the class by distributing the course outlines to us and explained to us the assignments and course works that we need to attempt for this course. For this course, there will be no mid-sem exam and final exam as we will have to attempt a position paper as the mid-sem exam and a research paper as our final exam. The very introduction of the position paper and research paper to us made us all feeling very nervous and blur as this is the first time that we are exposed to writing a position paper and a research paper. Hence, we listened carefully to every details explained by Dr Edwin on both the papers. Dr Edwin does talked about the thesis statements and supporting details which we will deal on more, later with our tutor. A few tales were assigned to us to read so that we can do an early reading before study the tales in more detail with our lecturer and tutor. What worries me the most is the position paper and research paper that I have never deal with before before this course. I am going to work very very hard and work extra hard so that I can produce a good position paper and research paper!!!

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