Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Making Of “My Research Paper”

I have been working on my research for days, hoping that I can get more information and details for both of the literary texts that I have chosen for my research paper so that I can add in more information and points into my first draft of my research paper in my effort to produce a complete, good piece of my research paper on reading the literary works through the perspective of a man. Although Dr Jaya commented that every one of us who are under his supervision for the research paper did a great job in our first draft, yet, I am still not satisfied with my very own first draft. Hence, I surfed on the net days and nights, hoping that I can gain more relevant points to be included into my research paper. In the process of looking for the suitable points and details for my research paper, I found out there are a lot of websites out there that provide the students with lots of crucial information on the literary works that they are studying in the secondary schools. There is this one website on the net which is published by “Just English” really impressed me. In this website, students can get all the information they wanted on the literature component that is being introduced in the secondary schools. Everything is arranged neatly and nicely on the web and only by one click on the selected icon, one can assess to the required section. I log on to this website for quite a number of hours as I am also looking for information for the literary text that I am studying for my research paper which is “The Drover’s Wife”. Besides, I also surfed on numerous websites on “The Drover’s Wife” which prove to be a great help to me in my process of completing my research paper. I get all thrilled up surfing the net for these few days. Before this, I have always thought that looking for information and completing a research paper would be a painful experience but it proves to me that I am wrong as I found joy in completing my research paper. Although I just managed to obtain information on “The Drover’s Wife” but I will not give up in looking for more information for my the other literary text that I am studying for the research paper. Keep it girl!

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