Friday, September 26, 2008

Limerick and Parody

What is limerick? My first impression of what limerick is is that limerick is the sibling for lime juice, some sort of juice that is similar to lime juice. Silly me! Limerick is actually a kind of poetry. Just like any other kind of poetry such as sonnet and all but limerick has its own set of system. A Limerick rhyme is aabba. Limerick consists of five lines with a couplet and a triplet. What is important in a limerick is its rhymes and beats. Limerick is usually funny and should not sound serious. Therefore, today, Dr Edwin assigned us to create 2 limericks in group of 5 with the stems given in the handbook. It was fun sharing and brainstorming ideas with other group members. It is really true of what people say, “2 minds are better than 1”. In only about 5 minutes, we can already come out with 2 limericks. Thanks to the cooperation given by all the group mates. They were creative and so do I-therefore “2 minds are better than 1” concept did really work in this context. I would to share with you guys on the limericks done by my group :

There once was a boy from Ruanda,
All the while he hoped to drive a Honda,
So he went to the showroom,
And he could just afford a broom,
That poor boy from Ruanda

I once met an old lady from New York,
Everyday she eats with a fork,
But whenever she eats with a spoon,
The lady will become a balloon,
That strange old lady from New York.

It was really interesting to be in the group and came out with these 2 limericks. It was really fun to be in the process of finding words which rhyme the same. In the end, Dr Edwin discussed with the benefits of using limericks and having this activity in the classrooms. I have learnt that the benefits of using limericks in teaching can promote language development, vocabulary, grammar and rhyming systems as all these aspects are very much put into emphasis in limericks. Besides, this activity can also foster creativity, responsibility, teamwork, tolerance and respecting each other among the students. Students will not see themselves as one whole person only but will work in a group. That’s what we want to instill into our students.
Lets us look at parody now. What’s a parody? Parody is a form of satirical criticism or comic mockery that resembles the style of the meaning of the original writers. Parody is a funny definition of a certain noun that is different from the meaning provided by the original writer. The language used in parody is beautiful as the words needs to give a vivid image to the readers of its true meaning.
Today’s class was fun and interesting! It tap on my creative and critical thinking skills. Bravo limericks!

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