Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yahoo!! It’s my full and complete research paper!

Yahoo!! Finally, I have completed my research paper! After months of toils and sweats, at last, I have my full and complete research paper. I am so happy and proud that I have managed to produce my very first and own research paper. I enjoyed doing and completing the very first research paper of mine as I found that I have learnt a lot of new things through my process of carrying out this research paper. I gained a lot of new insights on both the literary texts that I have chosen to study for my research paper and found joy in reading these two texts in a different perspective-the perspective of the men. At first, I thought that my effort of trying to read both texts through the perspective of the men would be a challenge for me but after much trying, not only that I did not find it difficult to read the texts from the view point of the men, instead I found joy in reading them in the new perspective as I found that both texts are much more interesting to be read now-in the view point of the men compared to reading the texts as they are years before. I learnt that I have missed out a lot of interesting points when I first read both texts years ago. Now, I learnt that both texts are more meaningful and I understood the real messages underlying each story that the authors may want to convey to the readers. As the saying goes, “Do not judge the book by its cover”. In this case of mine, I would say that do not judge the story but it surface. What we read from the story, usually, are only the surface of the story. We should read deeper into the story to find the true meaning of the story. Before this, I have done a lot of deep readings on different stories, whether to analyze the characters, the settings, plot or other literary elements but I have never found so much joy before than this time when I tried to read the stories from the perspective of the men-the type of reading that is different than the usual we read the story. I find it interesting and exciting reading both stories from the perspective of the men and go further into men’s study. Although many people had told me that it is risky for me to read both texts from the perspective of the men as the topic for my research paper but I am willing to take up the challenge and tried on something that is new for me. I am really glad that I have managed to find enjoyment and widen up my knowledge through my research and be able to tap on something new which I find fun and suits my interest of study.

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