Thursday, September 11, 2008

Water!! That’s what I am!

After viewing the movie “The Road Home” last week, today, Dr Edwin asked us what we have gained from the movie. Basically, all of us learn that the profession of the teacher is very much respected and appreciated by the societies that encourage us more to be good and dedicated teachers. Then, Dr Edwin asked everyone to think of a metaphor or an image that we can see in ourselves as a teacher. Funny and cute answers were given by each of us. Some say they were the sun, some say compass, candle, fire and many more. I will say that I am the water! I would say that I am the water as in my opinion, water is an important, perhaps, it is the most important element in my life. Water not only makes up 70% of my body but it is also an element that completes my life. I use water to clean myself, to freshen up myself, to drink and many more. Without water, my life won’t be complete. Therefore, I would say that I am the water when I see myself as a teacher. I am the water as I am the knowledge provider to the students. Students are thirsty for water(knowledge), therefore, I will be there to quench the thirst. I am the water(knowledge provider). Hence, as a teacher, I see that my main objective in teaching the students is to provide the knowledge to the students. Water!! That’s what I am!!

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