Monday, September 22, 2008

First draft had been approved!

Today, while we were watching the movie “Dangerous Minds” at Bilik Seminar, Dr Jaya came into our class and told us that all the 8 of us who are under his supervision for the EDU 3234’s research paper are allowed to continue our work on the research paper as he is very satisfied with all of our first draft which we had submitted on week 7. Dr Jaya said that all of us did a great job in our research paper and he would like us to continue on our work so that we can submit our research papers to him on week 13, just after the Hari Raya’s break. I am so glad and happy to hear Dr Jaya’s comments. I still need to work on my research paper so that my real research paper which I am going to submit on week 13 can gain me better and higher marks. Thank you, Dr Jaya!

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