Friday, September 26, 2008

Limerick and Parody

What is limerick? My first impression of what limerick is is that limerick is the sibling for lime juice, some sort of juice that is similar to lime juice. Silly me! Limerick is actually a kind of poetry. Just like any other kind of poetry such as sonnet and all but limerick has its own set of system. A Limerick rhyme is aabba. Limerick consists of five lines with a couplet and a triplet. What is important in a limerick is its rhymes and beats. Limerick is usually funny and should not sound serious. Therefore, today, Dr Edwin assigned us to create 2 limericks in group of 5 with the stems given in the handbook. It was fun sharing and brainstorming ideas with other group members. It is really true of what people say, “2 minds are better than 1”. In only about 5 minutes, we can already come out with 2 limericks. Thanks to the cooperation given by all the group mates. They were creative and so do I-therefore “2 minds are better than 1” concept did really work in this context. I would to share with you guys on the limericks done by my group :

There once was a boy from Ruanda,
All the while he hoped to drive a Honda,
So he went to the showroom,
And he could just afford a broom,
That poor boy from Ruanda

I once met an old lady from New York,
Everyday she eats with a fork,
But whenever she eats with a spoon,
The lady will become a balloon,
That strange old lady from New York.

It was really interesting to be in the group and came out with these 2 limericks. It was really fun to be in the process of finding words which rhyme the same. In the end, Dr Edwin discussed with the benefits of using limericks and having this activity in the classrooms. I have learnt that the benefits of using limericks in teaching can promote language development, vocabulary, grammar and rhyming systems as all these aspects are very much put into emphasis in limericks. Besides, this activity can also foster creativity, responsibility, teamwork, tolerance and respecting each other among the students. Students will not see themselves as one whole person only but will work in a group. That’s what we want to instill into our students.
Lets us look at parody now. What’s a parody? Parody is a form of satirical criticism or comic mockery that resembles the style of the meaning of the original writers. Parody is a funny definition of a certain noun that is different from the meaning provided by the original writer. The language used in parody is beautiful as the words needs to give a vivid image to the readers of its true meaning.
Today’s class was fun and interesting! It tap on my creative and critical thinking skills. Bravo limericks!

Monday, September 22, 2008

First draft had been approved!

Today, while we were watching the movie “Dangerous Minds” at Bilik Seminar, Dr Jaya came into our class and told us that all the 8 of us who are under his supervision for the EDU 3234’s research paper are allowed to continue our work on the research paper as he is very satisfied with all of our first draft which we had submitted on week 7. Dr Jaya said that all of us did a great job in our research paper and he would like us to continue on our work so that we can submit our research papers to him on week 13, just after the Hari Raya’s break. I am so glad and happy to hear Dr Jaya’s comments. I still need to work on my research paper so that my real research paper which I am going to submit on week 13 can gain me better and higher marks. Thank you, Dr Jaya!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Water!! That’s what I am!

After viewing the movie “The Road Home” last week, today, Dr Edwin asked us what we have gained from the movie. Basically, all of us learn that the profession of the teacher is very much respected and appreciated by the societies that encourage us more to be good and dedicated teachers. Then, Dr Edwin asked everyone to think of a metaphor or an image that we can see in ourselves as a teacher. Funny and cute answers were given by each of us. Some say they were the sun, some say compass, candle, fire and many more. I will say that I am the water! I would say that I am the water as in my opinion, water is an important, perhaps, it is the most important element in my life. Water not only makes up 70% of my body but it is also an element that completes my life. I use water to clean myself, to freshen up myself, to drink and many more. Without water, my life won’t be complete. Therefore, I would say that I am the water when I see myself as a teacher. I am the water as I am the knowledge provider to the students. Students are thirsty for water(knowledge), therefore, I will be there to quench the thirst. I am the water(knowledge provider). Hence, as a teacher, I see that my main objective in teaching the students is to provide the knowledge to the students. Water!! That’s what I am!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"The Road Home"

‘The Road Home’ is a movie about a girl who has fallen in love to a teacher who taught in a little hut in her village. The girl, who was played by Zhang Zi Yi, is a young and innocent girl who falls head over heels to the teacher who taught in her village. As the story took place in the ancient time, it shows how difficult it is for the both of them to be together. The movie also shows how the society back at the ancient time respect and look highly upon the profession of a teacher. The society respects the teachers very much and sees teachers as something that is very precious. The movie was in mandarin and was quite slow moving as it emphasizes on the love story of the teacher. In the end of the story, the body of the teacher was bought back to the village. Although the teacher has already passed away, yet he is still very much respected by the villagers and all his former students. As the saying goes, “Once a teacher, always a teacher”. Although he is already dead, he is still “the teacher” that the villagers have always respected. This movie inspires me to be a good, great and dedicated teacher like the teacher shown in the movie. The teacher in the movie tells me that we must be dedicated in our profession and always put our profession as our first priority. What inspire me the most is that a teacher is always respected and appreciated by the societies. This movie made me believes that the saying “Once a teacher, always a teacher” do really exist.